Window winner presentation

BEST DRESSED WINDOW WINNER: Radical Living This afternoon, the Mayor of Lewes, Cllr. Imogen Makepeace, presented the trophy and certificate to owner, Milly in front of the winning window. Thank you to the Mayor for taking time to do the presentation. Radical Living...

Best Dressed Windows at Late Night Shopping

The standard of the window designs this year was as high as ever, and the fact it took Deputy Mayor, Emily Clarke and President, Ashley Price, TWO HOURS to view all the windows, shows how many businesses got involved. We thank everyone for taking part in the...

Free Car Parking 2024

Lewes Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce they have arranged for free car parking in thirteen of the Town’s Pay & Display car parks for pre-Christmas shoppers on three Saturdays in December. Lewes District Council (LDC) has agreed to offer day-time free...

Lewes Chamber of Commerce launches a Retail Advisory Group

With ever more shops closing in Lewes, it raises the questions of what is going wrong? Why are so many shops closing? And what can be done to reverse this trend? Yes, we have had both Paperchase and M&Co., very recently go into administration, and a couple of...

Retailers call for parking bays to be returned

The introduction of the temporary bus stops at the bottom of School Hill in Lewes meant a number of parking bays had to be removed. Already retailers are feeling the effects of the loss of those bays.  Lewes Chamber of Commerce has been contacted by retailers in the...

Response to proposed Domino’s coming to Lewes

There has been the report in the Sussex Express of Domino’s opening in Lewes, at the currently empty shop on the corner of the High Street and Station Street. As people will imagine, the Chamber would always prefer to see independent firms and traders opening in...

AGM Report 2023

New President and Changes to Executive Committee The evening of Thursday 19th January saw the AGM (re-scheduled from October). It was a good turn out with both new and long-standing members attending.   As members will be aware, Clare Crouch had decided to step...

Late Night Shopping a tremendous success

Thursday 1st December saw Lewes’s ever popular Late Night Shopping event, organised by Lewes Chamber of Commerce.       Shops and businesses opened late, food stalls and other traders were in Cliffe Precinct, with street entertainment and live...

Best Dressed Window Winners 2022

Judging the Christmas windows on late night shopping is always a challenge as so many shops put on such great displays, but as it’s a competition there’s always got to be a winner and runners up. And the results for 2022 are… Winner:NØRD Lewes Runners up:Flint Owl...

Free Car Parking in December 2022

Lewes Chamber of Commerce is pleased to report there’s FREE Car parking in 14 of the Town’s Pay & Display car parks on Saturdays throughout December. Lewes District Council (LDC) have agreed to offer day-time free parking to pre-Christmas shoppers in a bid...


Lewes Chamber of Commerce joins the rest of the nation in mourning the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our longest reigning monarch and a perfect example of quiet governance. She led this Country through many difficult times (including her own family...

Lewes Bus Station Update

Chamber President, Clare Crouch, and Secretary, Ashley Price met with the Generator Group (the current owners of the bus station site), last Wednesday (6th October) to hear their plans for the development of the site, and how this would affect bus services. Generator...